Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Peace for us all. Thank you for your time has been given, on this occasion I will bring a speech entitled'' Drug for the younger generation, especially students''.
In an age of modern era we now know with many of our nation's young people are falling prey to promiscuity, which leads to drug use. And we regret the most college students higher the fact that most of the world fall into drugs, due to wrong in choosing the association.
The cause of the rampant drug abuse among college students is influenced by three main factors. First, young people abusing drugs just because of fashion or out of it. Second, the drug business that promises huge profits for the sellers, so they do not care about his action was unlawful and damaging others. Third, the scenario of the future destruction of the leadership candidates, and the quality of human resources of this nation possessed. Factor that causes students to easily get caught up in drugs.
On this occasion I will explain that how his drug danger for our future, what are we as a civitas among college should seek knowledge, even been driven to drugs that can damage our future. So let us not try to use drugs. because so many disadvantages that even a very fatal consequences; cause of death and overdose.
Student drug addicts will no longer be able to finish his education to overcome his addiction. Drug users will be hit by a sense of worry and fear from drug addiction so that in the association, they will be isolated in a campus environment. In addition to damage yourself and others, drug use is also illegal and extremely severe punishment if caught him wearing it. So we let the students help each other to help campaign for the dangers of drugs on our campus.
I just suggest to my friends shun drugs, because there is absolutely no benefit to us just the opposite can ruin our lives. Let's think positive, stay away from problems instead of using the drug, because it just adds a lot of our problems.
The future is in the hands of the nation and our state, we must not damage our nation just because of vested interests. Let us build our nation without drugs, in the common interest.
Peace for us all. Thank you for your time has been given, on this occasion I will bring a speech entitled'' Drug for the younger generation, especially students''.
In an age of modern era we now know with many of our nation's young people are falling prey to promiscuity, which leads to drug use. And we regret the most college students higher the fact that most of the world fall into drugs, due to wrong in choosing the association.
The cause of the rampant drug abuse among college students is influenced by three main factors. First, young people abusing drugs just because of fashion or out of it. Second, the drug business that promises huge profits for the sellers, so they do not care about his action was unlawful and damaging others. Third, the scenario of the future destruction of the leadership candidates, and the quality of human resources of this nation possessed. Factor that causes students to easily get caught up in drugs.
On this occasion I will explain that how his drug danger for our future, what are we as a civitas among college should seek knowledge, even been driven to drugs that can damage our future. So let us not try to use drugs. because so many disadvantages that even a very fatal consequences; cause of death and overdose.
Student drug addicts will no longer be able to finish his education to overcome his addiction. Drug users will be hit by a sense of worry and fear from drug addiction so that in the association, they will be isolated in a campus environment. In addition to damage yourself and others, drug use is also illegal and extremely severe punishment if caught him wearing it. So we let the students help each other to help campaign for the dangers of drugs on our campus.
I just suggest to my friends shun drugs, because there is absolutely no benefit to us just the opposite can ruin our lives. Let's think positive, stay away from problems instead of using the drug, because it just adds a lot of our problems.
The future is in the hands of the nation and our state, we must not damage our nation just because of vested interests. Let us build our nation without drugs, in the common interest.
I said a little speech, weakness and strength I apologize, for the attention I say many thanks. Regards .... Good morning!
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Terima kasih atas waktu yang telah diberikan, pada kesempatan ini saya akan membawakan pidato yang berjudul ‘’ Bahaya Narkoba bagi generasi muda khususnya Mahasiswa’’.
Di zaman era modern sekarang ini kita tahu bersama banyaknya kaum muda bangsa kita yang terjerumus pada pergaulan bebas, yang mengarah pada penggunaan narkoba. Dan yang paling kita sayangkan justru para mahasiswa perguruan tinggilah yang paling banyak terjerumus ke dunia narkoba, akibat salah dalam memilih pergaulan.
Penyebab maraknya penyalahgunaan narkoba di kalangan mahasiswa ini di pengaruhi oleh tiga factor utama. Pertama, para pemuda menyalahgunakan narkoba hanya karena mode atau ikut-ikutan. Kedua, bisnis narkoba yang menjanjikan keuntungan sangat besar bagi para penjual, hingga Mereka tidak peduli perbuatannya itu melanggar hukum dan merusak orang lain. Ketiga, adanya skenario penghancuran calon pemimpinan masa depan, dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki bangsa ini. Factor inilah yang menyebabkan hingga mudahnya para mahasiswa terjebak dalam narkoba.
Pada kesempatan ini saya akan menjelaskan bahwa betapa bahaya-nya narkoba bagi masa depan kita, apa lagi kita sebagai kalangan civitas perguruan tinggi yang seharusnya bisa menuntut ilmu, malah terjeremus pada narkoba yang dapat merusak masa depan kita. Jadi janganlah kita mencoba menggunakan narkoba. karena sangat banyak kerugiannya bahkan sangat fatal akibatnya yaitu; menyebabkan kematian dan over dosis.
Mahasiswa pecandu narkoba tak akan lagi bisa menyelesaikan kuliahnya hingga kecanduannya teratasi. Para pengguna narkoba akan dilanda rasa khawatir dan takut akibat kecanduan narkoba sehingga dalam pergaulan, mereka akan terasing dalam lingkungan kampus. Selain merusak diri sendiri dan orang lain, penggunaan narkoba juga melanggar hukum dan sangat berat hukuman-nya apabila kedapatan memakai-nya. Jadi kita sebagai mahasiswa marilah saling bantu membantu mengkampanyekan bahaya narkoba di lingkungan kampus kita.
Saya hanya menyarankan kepada teman-teman jauhilah narkoba, karena sama sekali tidak ada manfaatnya bagi kita malah sebaliknya dapat merusak hidup kita. Marilah kita berpikir positif, menjauhi masalah bukan dengan menggunakan narkoba, karena itu justru menambah masalah kita menjadi banyak.
Masa depan bangsa dan Negara ada ditangan kita, janganlah kita rusak bangsa kita hanya karena kepentingan pribadi. Marilah kita bangun bangsa kita tanpa narkoba, demi kepentingan bersama.
Demikian isi pidato singkat saya, kurang dan lebihnya saya mohon maaf, atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih. Wassalam…. Selamat pagi!!!