Minggu, 26 Februari 2012


Assalamu'alaikum Wr Wb Dear Mr. principals. I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff also all my friends ... Thank you for the opportunity given to me. Introducing, My name is ... representatives from .. Respectable. Father / mother .... And all friends present here.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Drugs are the Indonesian term for substances of narcotics, psychotropic and addictive. psychotropic substances popularly called Ecstasy and Shabu-shabu is considered a favorite among middle and upper class users. However, for an increasing number of young people, the drug of choice is low-grade heroin, known as putaw, a cheap, a lot, but potentially deadly. These drugs are already available in all major cities, including schools, karaoke lounges, bars, cafes, discos, nightclubs, and they even spread to outlying villages. Therefore it is not surprising that drug users increased from year to year.
Ladies and gentlemen ... Thousands of young men have wasted their lives because of drugs in our country, Indonesia. They are mostly the victims of an environment that 'cruel', a broken home, from ignorance, from a sense of curiosity or also from the victims of the drug mafia. It is estimated that about 4 million people in Indonesia are as drug users, or about one out of every 50 people of Indonesia are or have ever tasted the forbidden items. In the capital Jakarta, an estimated three out of ten young people are drug users. A study conducted by the Office (ILO) International Labour Organisation in Indonesia showed that about four percent of drug users in this country are children under 17 years. Two of ten users involved in the illicit trade. Some teens become involved in the manufacture of drugs and the memperdagangankannya between the ages of 13 and 15 years. Chairman of the National Narcotics Coordinating Board said that drug users and illegal drugs in the country amounted to about 7,000 ii junior high school students, more than 10,000 high school students and about 800 elementary students. The data was very poor and makes us anxious about the future, whether it be how the future if the user is forbidden on the rise.
Ladies and Gentlemen
People usually use drugs to have fun or escape from the pressures of life. Drug users among students is very worrying. Reported that the number of traders operating around the school to deceive, coerce or provide drugs free of charge to students around the school. After the students are addicted, they then went to the traders to buy drugs. If they do not have money, they steal from their family members or others.
Ladies and Gentlemen
The facts above show us how familiar "Drugs" among our youth. Things we should know as we hold to avoid the blandishments of the drug mafia. First we must know what the meaning of drug addiction? drug addiction is a complex brain disease. It is characterized by compulsive, at times uncontrollable, drug craving, seeking, and use persist even in the face of extremely negative consequences. Drug seeking becomes compulsive, in large part as a result of the effects of prolonged drug use on brain function and, thus, on behavior. For many people, drug addiction becomes chronic, with relapses possible even after long periods of time. By knowing how serious the consequences of using drugs. Hopefully we can keep it from being taken.
Ladies and gentlemen ...
Let's race to keep ourselves from the shackles of illicit goods by way of distancing ourselves, our families and the environment of the things that will provide the space and the path to the entry of illicit goods.
Ladies and gentlemen ...
Thank you for your time and attention has been given to me for this short speech.
Wasalam ...

Assalamu Wr Wb
Dear principal
I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff
And friends that I love

Let us pray gratitude to Allah SWT has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here today and I will give a speech about drugs.

The number of drug users in Indonesia at a time is increasingly so large, it may be due to weak law enforcement in Indonesia so that the international dealer can work with an Indonesian citizen and earn huge profits. Abuse of Narcotics and other additives that of course brings a broad and complex effects. As one example of the effects include behavioral changes, health problems, decreased work productivity drastically, crime and other acts of violence are rampant and increasing.

Drug abuse can be prevented through programs such as following social activities, do not associate with users or drug dealers, not easily affected by invitation or persuasion to use drugs. Drug users usually dominated by teenagers and school children.

Schools also provide counseling to students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through the Guru BP, discussions that engage students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of the existence of an unknown guest or dealer, doing impromptu raid.

Usually the dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware of school programs for the prevention of the user or users of the school, they do anticipate the course as best they can. Any tips as smart as them, like a smart, clever squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves sniper avoid detection of their school's control, but given the nature of the addictive drug and Demand a higher dose then discipline is also a safe way will unfold

For that let us avoid and stay away and help combat drug use. Thus the speech that I can say if there are errors in spoken, I apologize. For your attention and I thank my end.

Wassalamu'alaikum wr wb

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb •
Dear principal
I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff and invited guests who had attended
And friends that I love.

Let us pray gratitude to Allah SWT has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here today and I will give a speech about drugs.

Sanjungkan our prayers and greetings to the presence of our lord, the great prophets, the noble prophet, the prophet Muhammad. He is moral decadence as a human battering ram. Through hard work, sacrifice, and he was the struggle, we can be free from infidelity, ignorance and humiliation. Similarly, prayers and greetings may remain tercurahkan for his family, his companions and followers until the end of time.

In Indonesia the number of drug users is so large, due to weak law enforcement INDONESIA international dealers can work with citizens Indonesiadan big gain. Narcotics abuse and other addictive substances itutentu brings a broad and complex effects. As a result, among others perubahanperilaku, health, labor productivity decreased drastically, kriminalitasdan other acts of violence.

Drug abuse can be prevented through programs such as mengikutikegiatan-social activities, do not associate with users or drug dealers, not mudahterpengaruh solicitation or seduction to use drugs. Drug users biasanyalebih dominated by teenagers and school children.

Schools also provide counseling to students about the dangers and consequences of drugs through the Guru daripenyalahgunaan BP, discussions involving students dalamperencanaan for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying trait-cirisiswa who use drugs, be aware of the existence of an unknown guest or dealer, doing impromptu raid.

Usually the dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware of the prevention program-programdisekolah to the user or users at school, they do certainly sajamengantisipasinya with the best as they could. Any tips as smart as them, ibaratsepandai-clever squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves to avoid telling their control deteksisekolah indeed, but given the nature of the addictive drug and Demand dosisyang higher then the discipline is also a safe way will unfold.

For that let us avoid and stay away and help eradicate the use of speech narkoba.Demikianlah that I can say if there are errors in spoken, I apologize. For your attention and I thank my end

Assalamu Wr Wb
Dear principal
I respect Mr / Ms Teachers and Administrative staff
And friends that I love

Let us pray gratitude to Allah SWT has bestowed His blessings so that we can gather here today and I will give a speech about drugs.

In Indonesia the number of drug users is so large, due to weak law enforcement in Indonesia international dealers to cooperate with an Indonesian citizen and earn huge profits. Abuse of Narcotics and other additives that would impact a broad and complex. As a result, among others, changes in behavior, health, labor productivity decreased drastically, crime and other violence.

Drug abuse can be prevented through programs such as following social activities, do not associate with users or drug dealers, not easily affected by invitation or persuasion to use drugs. Drug users usually dominated by teenagers and school children.

Schools also provide counseling to students about the dangers and consequences of drug abuse through the Guru BP, discussions that engage students in planning for intervention and prevention of drug abuse in schools. Another important program is the program of Narcotics alert by identifying the characteristics of students who use drugs, be aware of the existence of an unknown guest or dealer, doing impromptu raid.

Usually the dealers and users in sekolahh been well aware of school programs for the prevention of the user or users of the school, they do anticipate the course as best they can. Any tips as smart as them, like a smart, clever squirrel jump, eventually falling as well. Moves sniper avoid detection of their school's control, but given the nature of the addictive drug and Demand a higher dose then discipline is also a safe way will unfold

For that let us avoid and stay away and help combat drug use. Thus the speech that I can say if there are errors in spoken, I apologize. For your attention and I thank my end.

Assalamu Wr Wb
Dear Miss School Principals.
Dear Mr / Ms Board Administrative Staff and their teacher.
And my friends are happy.

Let's say the grace of God Almighty's presence, because of the blessings of His grace in which we have been given so as health can still be gathered here in good health.
Father-Mother board of Teachers and friends dear to me. Here let me say one or two words. What I want to say Happy National Health Day for us all.
My friends who I loved from year to year we experienced a very rapid change, from which we must keep our association many friends as possible because we are already one step in determining the future. And they were all too many who fall into the world of drugs.
Keep your friends know!
Drugs are one type of psychotropic medication. This drug is used in medicine as a sedative in patients with depression and as an anesthetic for surgery. However, when this function is used by many one of the teens.
Their drug use as stress relievers and even a contemporary trend, which is very popular among teenagers. Drugs in the world of teenagers could get from anywhere. When drugs are included in our world, it is very difficult when we are off to him.
My friends?
Lots of losses arising from the drug in our lives. As one: If someone is addicted to drugs is certainly his life will be ruined. And its future would be bleak. Especially when there he would come to work or even go to college. In the medical tests he would not pass. That result in no longer a bright future for him then let us never entered or tried drugs. The conditions and for any reason as the younger generation and the successor to the nation. Let us fill this independence by always learning, and uphold the dignity of this nation. Tell me and instill in us
Thus my speech on the morning of a beautiful and bright. Hopefully what I have to say speech is beneficial to us all. And then what if there are words and attitude of my heart in the audience about all I apologize.
So, and good morning.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr Wb.